We Are Proud Of Our Accomplishments That Help Improve The Lives of Women & Girls

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At our last business meeting of 2017, President Marcelle read a list of what we have accomplished since our 2017-18 year officially began in September 2017 (but what really began at our planning retreat in August)!

Sometimes we feel we aren’t doing enough….Sometimes we feel we should be doing more (and heaven only knows I am one of those people)….so, it is good to remind ourselves of what we have done.


  • Prepared Mitzvah Meals twice for various homeless shelters at Temple Beth Sholom.  Thanks Rachel for organizing that fun, ongoing connection!
  • Donated and delivered a full-size bed to a senior lady referred to us from the Huntington Beach Senior Center. One member donated the bed and another member provided the transportation to get the bed delivered.
  • Donated a scooter to a senior lady referred to us from the Senior Center. The scooter was donated by a member.
  • Collected  diapers at our annual club Planning Retreat in August and donated them to the CARE Programs at Orange Coast College, Golden West College and Coastline College
  • Adopted 3 moms and 6 children for the year as supported by the Dolly Wakeham fund and club members generosity.
  • Celebrated 2 Dolly Wakeham kids’ birthday (twins).
  • Assembled 38 jars filled with toiletries, socks, snacks, etc. which we donated to Colette’s Children’s Home at our first Program Meeting in September.  We also introduced two of our Dolly Wakeham moms at this meeting who jumped right in and helped create the jars.
  • Helped one of our Dolly Wakeham moms’ move from a domestic violence shelter to her own apartment. Members donated money, furniture, household items and staples and helped with her move-in.  One member donated a large sectional sofa and another member arranged to have the sofa picked up and delivered right to the mom’s apartment.  Thanks to some very generous donations from our members, we were able to purchase new beds for her two children (which we delivered and helped assemble), pillows for her couch, a desk that folds up and hangs on the wall, new pots & pans, dishes and more.
  • Received 14 applications for the Live Your Dream program. The Live Your Dream Committee met and selected 5 honorees who will receive awards, four at $1,000  and one at $1,500.  We also purchased a new computer for one of the applicants whom we did not choose but who was in desperate need of a computer.  We shared the  remaining 9 applications with other clubs in our district and region and hope that all will be selected to receive an award.
  • Worked with the Newport Harbor Area club to conduct a 7-week Dream, It Be It curriculum to over 20 at-risk,  female High School students at the Back Bay High School in Newport Beach.
  • Donated $600 to the Youth Shelter as evidenced by the snowflake at the Huntington Beach pier in December.
  • Donated 2 scooters, 2 pairs of roller skates  and 1 skate board for the children who attended Project Self Sufficiency’s Christmas Party in December.
  • Adopted 3 ladies from the Huntington Beach Senior Center for Christmas and bought them items from their Christmas Wish list.
  • Raised approximately $3,600 at our annual Wine Tasting fundraiser in October.
  • Raised over $5,000 at our annual Stay Home for the Holidays ask.
  • Held a Christmas party for the Dolly Wakeham families at Leslie Miller’s home where we showered them with presents from the Christmas wish lists and more.
  • Purchased a Christmas tree, tree stand and lights for one of our Dolly Wakeham moms and gave her a few gently loved ornaments to help her and her two children celebrate their first Christmas in their new home.
  • Paid for car repairs for one of our Dolly Wakeham moms.

And that is only what we have done since August!

I know I join President Marcelle in saying THANK YOU and wishing each and everyone one of you and your families and happy, healthy, caring & sharing 2018!

Hugs to all,


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