Our Impact

Our impact is measured by the lives we see changed. To do so, Soroptimist International of Huntington Beach supports both signature programs of Soroptimist International of the Americas as well as local and international non profits whose missions are synergistic with ours. We do this through our generous donors and sponsors and our fundraising efforts, resulting in a positive impact in the lives of the women and girls we serve.

Our lofty, big goal, as part of Soroptimist International of the Americas, is to improve the lives of 500,000 women and girls by 2031 and YOU can help us reach our goal by donating today!

During our 2023-24 year (July 1-June 30), we gave 15 Live Your Dream Awards for $22,500, partnered with the Newport Harbor Area club at the Newport Mesa/Bay Bay continuation high school, delivered the Dream It, Be It Program to 6th and 7th graders at Higher Ground OC, attended Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force meetings and volunteered with Waymakers and the Huntington Beach Youth Shelter and the Salvation Army on specific events and projects, participated in Vanguard University’s Live2Free Fair Trade Fashion Show and the Global Center for Women in Justice’s Conference, participated in Know More, Do Better – a conference for middle school students, hosted 24 women for our annual Day of Empowerment in partnership with the Assistance League of Huntington Beach and supported by Jersey Mike’s. Gave scholarships at all 3 community colleges plus Huntington Beach High School and Project Self Sufficiency, continued to be an active member Soroptimists Together Against Trafficking II, a coalition of Soroptimist clubs from Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside & Ventura Counties and more.  In total, we devoted over 1883 volunteer hours!

Live Your Dream

The Soroptimist Live Your Dream Awards assist women, enrolled in or accepted into an undergraduate program, trade school or certification program, who provide the primary source of financial support for their families, to be more successful.  This award/grant is tax free to the recipient but, she can only receive it once.  The awardees are empowered to spend the money as they need to whether it be for their education, fixing up their car, rent, putting their child or children in an afterschool activity which they otherwise could not afford, etc. Our club gives 14 Live Your Dream awards each year which assists them in living their dreams. To apply for this award, click HERE.

“When I received the Live Your Dream Award, I thought to myself, it is finally all coming together now. Not only was I being reassured that I would be able to be better financially to support myself and my son while still pursuing my personal and professional goals, but I was met with unconditional support and love from the ladies at Soroptimists at Huntington Beach. I was becoming me again. Not just a student or a mom, but I felt so empowered meeting like-minded individuals that genuinely believed in me and were there for me and was also surrounded by resilient mothers that were also pursuing their goals and that helped me to continue in my journey.”   ~ Maria, former Live Your Dream Awardee

Dream It, Be It

Dream It, Be It targets girls in secondary school who face obstacles to success. It provides girls with access to professional role models, career education and the resources to live their dreams. Soroptimist clubs in 19 countries and territories work in partnership with the girls to provide them with the information and resources they need to be more successful. Most noteworthy, the topics include career opportunities, setting and achieving goals, overcoming obstacles, and teaching how to move forward after setbacks or failures.

We continue to team with Soroptimist International of Newport Harbor Area to deliver this invaluable series of workshops to teen girls attending the Back Bay/Newport Mesa continuation high school as well as conducting our own program with 6th and 7th graders at Higher Ground OC.

Dolly Wakeham Memorial Grant Program & The Dream Beyond Program

Each year SIHB adopts single moms who are enrolled in school or a certification program  and their families. Our objective: to support, mentor and, also, to make each holiday and occasion a joyous one. The Dolly Wakeham program is named for a Huntington Beach Soroptimist who passed away and left a small trust fund so that her legacy would live on. The interest from that fund forms the basis for the grant. The fund is augmented (financially and by physical gifts) by the club members and donations from caring people in our community to help women be more successful.  The Dream Beyond Program is the same as the Dolly Wakeham program but is only open to current or former Live Your Dream honorees.  This program is funded entirely by our club and generous donations from people like yourself.

Project Self Sufficiency

SI Huntington Beach has a long-standing relationship with Project Self Sufficiency, a program for low income single parents and disadvantaged families. All (moms and dads) must be enrolled in school or job training, meet HUD low-income requirements and, additionally, live, work or be in school in Orange County. Throughout the year, club members donate food, clothing and items for their annual Christmas party and volunteer at various events for the families they serve. SIHB also provides a scholarship for one PSS mom each year.

Community College Scholarships

Each year SIHB selects a single mom, head of household with at least one dependent to receive a “Women’s Empowerment Scholarship” from our club. This scholarship is presented at the local community college’s (OCC, GWC and Coastline) annual Honor’s Night event each spring.

Catou DeFriend Scholarship

Catou DeFriend, former SIHB member & president, left us too soon at the age of 36. She loved to dance so we honor her by presenting a scholarship to a disadvantaged high school girl who has a love for dance like Catou did.


LiveYourDream.org is a movement fiercely dedicated to ensuring every woman and girl has the opportunity to reach her full potential, be free from violence, and live her dreams.


Annual Fundraisers

Finally, SIHB hosts a variety of fundraising events throughout the year to add to our organization’s impact, including a wine tasting, Murder Mystery Dinners, bunco game nights and paint nights.


snowflake on pier 2015

To support these and other Soroptimist International of Huntington Beach’s ongoing programs & compassionate projects, please click on our Donate Now button on the top right of this page or send a check to:

P.O. Box 1306
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

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