“Gratitude Day is celebrated annually on the 21st September. The celebration of Gratitude Day allows both individual citizens and organisations within wider society to celebrate the broad meaning of gratitude in a variety of ways.
The celebration started in 1965 in Hawaii when an international gathering decided that it would be a good idea to have one day per year to formally express gratitude and appreciation for the many wonderful things to be found in the world. Following the meeting in Hawaii, many attendees marked Gratitude Day on 21st September 1966 when back in their own countries. Ever since then, the number of people celebrating Gratitude Day across the world has grown and grown.
A Day For Gratitude
The awareness of the benefits of having time in one’s life for gratitude, appreciation and positive reflection have become increasingly apparent. The hope of the founders of Gratitude Day is that by taking time, one day a year, to reflect on the many amazing things we have in our lives, it would positively impact our well-being and make us happier, more contented people.”
_Source: Days of the Year
Some thoughts for you to ponder on this very special day:
Take time to appreciate your family…immediate, extended and those who may not be related but whom you consider family…maybe give them a call…
Appreciate how connected you are…on your social media sites…via text messaging…email…snail mail…send someone you haven’t heard from in awhile a note…
Be thankful for where you live and the businesses who serve you and whom you support…Say thank you to the checker or the bag boy or girl at your grocery store…
Give yourself a little love….appreciate your unique you…and what you give to those you love…your community…the world…Give yourself a big hug…
Make every day a gratitude day…Create a “gratitude” journal…jot down at least one thing you are grateful for every day….you will be surprised at the results!